SimpleUndoRecents for Google Chrome


扩展程序 : SimpleUndoRecents for Google Chrome
版本 : 1.0.3
提供方 :

添加至Google Chrome


SimpleUndoRecents for Google Chrome这个简单的弹出可让您轻而易举的撤销关闭的标签和该标签的历史!Almost a twin of SimpleUndoClose.
With a little less features but now undo closed tabs with the tab's history!

Requires minimum of Chrome 37 as SimpleUndoRecents uses the session API.

Basic usage:
– click the toolbar button, a popup showing closed tabs appear
– click on the closed page you want to restore
– keyboard navigation supported
– use the device dropdown list to select other devices

For some answers to question you might have, read the mini FAQ:

Updated changelog is in the extension option pages.


Reason For Permission Requests:

Your data on all websites
-> WHY: This is to facilitate the content script that enables the Ctrl+Z undo function

Your tabs and browsing activity
-> WHY: Required for use of the chrome.tabs API to detect tab status and to get the tab details


The extension is pre-v1.0 so there may still be bugs I've missed.
Please do feedback when something is not working, better if there are steps to replicate the problem.
Thanks 🙂

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