LeapCa跨境运营插件 for Google Chrome


扩展程序 : LeapCa跨境运营插件 for Google Chrome
版本 : v1.07 by 牛津小马哥
提供方 : leapca.com

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LeapCa跨境运营插件 for Google Chrome亚马逊和独立站等跨境卖家必备的运营插件帮助亚马逊以及独立站等各类跨境电商运营更好的做推广以及引流。为亚马逊运营显示亚马逊产品数据,包括但不仅限于1)产品的评价波动,2)产品的站外推广次数,3)产品在哪些大型网站上进行过推广。跨境电商卖家还能使用这个插件,来管理自己喜欢的网红。当浏览Youtube和Instagram的时候,可以直接点击收藏,把喜欢的网红保存到云端,然后再批量联系。方便跨境卖家做好站外引流以及海外营销。
This extension shows comprehensive Amazon product data and help e-commerce sellers to better manage influencers marketing. It displays Amazon product data, including but not limited to 1) reviews growth over time, 2) the number of off-site promotions of the product, and 3) on which high-value websites the product has been promoted. E-commerce sellers can also use this plug-in to manage their favorite influencers. When browsing Youtube and Instagram, you can directly click favorites, save your favorite influencers to the cloud, and then contact them later.

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